shared decision making: during labor & delivery
Labor Begins
Labor Stage 1: Signs of Labor
Stages of Childbirth
Every delivery is a little different but they all follow the same general pattern. There are three stages of labor:
Early/Latent Labor: From onset of labor until the cervix (the lower part of the uterus) is dilated (opened) to 5-6 centimeters. Dilation takes place more slowly.
Active Labor: Cervix dilates from about 6 cm to fully dilated at 10 cm, and happens more quickly.
How Do I Know If I’m In Labor?
In early labor, you will begin to have contractions. At first, they may be mild and infrequent. They might feel like a back ache, menstrual cramps or tightening in the pelvic area. Gradually, the contractions will become more intense and more frequent. You may also have a pinkish or blood-tinged discharge known as a “bloody show” or your water may break.
What Is False Labor?
Women can experience what is sometimes called false labor. False labor means you are having contractions but they are not strong enough to open your cervix.
These are called Braxton Hicks contractions and can happen from the middle to the end of a pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions are usually short, not very frequent and not regular. They also tend to go away when you change positions.
If you have contractions and are not sure if they are real or Braxton Hicks contractions, make sure to call your care team to check.
When To Go To The Hospital
You and your care team will talk in advance about when to come to the hospital. Early labor can last about eight to 12 hours so women often stay at home during this stage. Your situation may be different so it’s important to contact your care team as soon as your contractions start to let them know what is happening.